This article by Momtchil Pojarliev and Richard Levich proposes a methodology to measure crowded trades and applies it to currency managers. According to the authors, this methodology offers useful insights regarding the popularity of certain trades among hedge funds and provides regulators with another tool for monitoring markets.Detecting Crowds in Currency Funds
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Detecting crowded trades in currency funds
FIS Oxford 2024
UK pension funds rue pressure to focus on the short term and group think
A group of investors at FIS Oxford reflect on the pressure to invest in the short term and the dangers of group think. Elsewhere they question if the private sector has capacity to find solutions to the climate emergency
Sarah RundellDecember 6, 2024
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グローバル・フィデューシャリー・シンポジウム代表を務めるクリス・バッタリア氏は、日本の大手年金基金や資産運用会社と18年間仕事をする中で、日本の退職金制度の課題、その進化を観察してきた。 Sponsored Content
Chris BattagliaDecember 19, 2023
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A lot of regulation incoming for crypto, predicts former Fed governor
Former Federal Reserve governor Randall Kroszner argues crypto assets are mislabelled as “currencies”, and said digital currencies like China’s digital Renminbi could one day challenge the primacy of the US dollar, in a wide-ranging conversation.
Ben HurleyJune 9, 2022
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Portfolios of the future
This session drew on themes of the conference and discuss with asset owners what the portfolios of the future will look like, particularly examining how investors plan to build robust portfolios to meet changing investment regimes.
Fern CampbellOctober 11, 2021
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Fiona Reynolds joins Conexus as CEO
Conexus Financial, publisher of, further cements its position as a global influencer with the appointment of Fiona Reynolds as chief executive.
Amanda WhiteJuly 21, 2021
FIS Digital – May 2021
Debunking distressed debt
The sharp market falls triggered by the pandemic brought the longest recovery ever in modern finance to an abrupt end. But despite the turmoil unleashed by COVID, it has not wrung out the market excesses of the last 13-year cycle. It means another wave of corporate failures could appear on the horizon in a shorter timeframe than expected, and offer more opportunities for distressed debt investors, according to Victor Khosla founder of SVP Global.
Sarah RundellJune 1, 2021
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FIS event tackles debt, inflation, China
Investors all over the world are pondering the inflationary environment. Is inflation coming? Will it stick? What does it mean for investments? Is stagflation possible and how should portfolios be hedged? The Fiduciary Investors Symposium will take a deep dive into the inflationary expectations of investors and look to history as a guide on asset class performance during different inflationary regimes.
Amanda WhiteMay 11, 2021