
How do hedge funds manage portfolio risk?

Gavin Cassar from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and Joseph Gerakos at the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, investigate the determinants and effectiveness of methods that hedge funds use to manage portfolio risk. They find that levered funds are more likely to use formal models to evaluate portfolio risk.


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    The landscape for this kind of trading has changed tremendously. Thirty years ago there was only 200 million professionally managed trading these futures contracts, today there is roughly 200 billion. When the funds ( managed futures ) pull the plug these days there is an avalanche of money hitting the exit door. As a result, volatility has increased. In addition, Commodity Futures Trading Commission growth has not kept up with the growth of the industry and they are consequently understaffed and unequipped to deal with today’s marketplace. Play at your own risk.

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