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Life’s a beach for hedge funds in Caymans

The US-based Hedge Fund Association, which last year opened a UK chapter in competition with the established Alternative Investment Management Association, has now started a Cayman Islands offshoot. HFA announced this week that the new chapter was a response to demand from Cayman-based hedge fund participants and reflected the importance of the zone as a […]
Investor Profile

North Carolina to consider DC option

The trustees of the $65 billion North Carolina Retirement Systems will vote on whether to introduce a defined contribution plan when the board meets on Jannuary 20, one of the significant recommendations by the Future of Retirement Study Commission.
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Investor behaviour erodes performance

Performance is eroded by institutional investors’ decisions around hiring and firing managers according to the preliminary results of a behavioural study by Boston University that links qualitative factors such as committee characteristics with earlier empirical research on performance.
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Investors win with new hedge fund fee model

Hermes BPK, the hedge fund-of-funds (HFoF)  provider majority-owned by Hermes Fund Managers (which itself is fully-owned by the UK’s largest pension fund, the BT Pension Scheme), has completed work on an innovative performance fee model which will allow investors to clawback any unearned performance fees.