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The Prospects and Challenges of Southeast Asian Financial Integration

Through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), countries in the region are enhancing regional cooperation and cohesion. While they are making progress, challenges remain. This report highlights the opportunities ASEAN offers, outlines recent financial initiatives in the region and presents some of the challenges ahead for integration to succeed. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE […]
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ADIA positive on equities outlook

The world’s largest SWF, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), added a number of new portfolios to equities and fixed income and reorganised its internal passive equities team in 2010, according to its second ever annual report, in which it also predicted a positive outlook for equities.

Is Bigger Better?

This updated version of the paper by the Rotman School, shows substantial positive scale economies in pension funds, with the largest plans outperforming smaller ones by 43-50 basis points per year. Between a third and one half of these gains arise from cost savings related to internal management, where costs are at least three times […]