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Property survey highlights green stars

The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) is being actively used by its investor supporters, including PGGM, to make service providers accountable for ESG performance, with the second annual survey finding a larger proportion of managers in the top quadrant this year.
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Life’s lessons can be applied to pension reform

The UK’s London Pension Fund Authority issued a green paper this week outlining the key ingredients needed to build a better scheme and its successful implementation by 2015. In all corners of the world building a better pension scheme is on the agenda. What then are some of the universal principles for success that all funds can adopt regardless of geography?
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UNPRI looks for new horizons

The UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is focused on expanding into China, India and the Middle East and driving environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration beyond equities and property and into other asset classes, says PRI executive director James Gifford.
Investor Profile

Dutch fund refines fiduciary manager duties

The Dutch fund for the transport industry, Pensioenfonds Vervoer, sacked Goldman Sachs Asset Management as its fiduciary manager in June last year. It is now close to appointing a replacement. Chief investment officer, Patrick Groenendijk, spoke to about what it wants from an outsourced fiduciary.