Fiona Reynolds, chief executive of the PRI, provided an update investors on the COP26 meetings including the key considerations of “finance day”.


Fiona Reynolds is the CEO of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and has responsibility for its global operations. The PRI is a U.N. supported organisation, with more than 2,000 signatories who collectively represent over US $80 trillion in Assets Under Management. The PRI is the major global organisation for responsible investment practices and leadership and the integration of environmental, social and governance issues across the investment chain. The PRI’s mission is to create a sustainable global financial system and the organisation aims to bring responsible investors together to work towards creating sustainable financial markets that contribute to a more prosperous world for all. Appointed in 2013, Fiona has 25 years’ experience in the financial services and pension sector, Fiona joined the PRI from Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (AIST), where she spent 7 years as the CEO, working within the Australian superannuation sector and played an active role in advocating pension fund policy and participated in a number of government committees and working groups on superannuation and retirement incomes policy. Fiona also serves on the Board of the U.N. Global Compact, she is the Chair of the Financial Services Commission into Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (The Liechtenstein initiative), which has been developed by the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) and supported by the Government of Liechtenstein and. Fiona is also a member of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the Global Advisory Council on Stranded Assets at Oxford University, the UN Business for Peace Steering Committee, the Global Steering Committee for the investor agenda on climate action and the Steering Committee for Climate Action 100+ which is the largest ever investor engagement with listed companies. Fiona has been a member of the UK Government Green Finance Taskforce. In 2018 Fiona was named by Barron’s magazine of one of the 20 most influential people in sustainability globally and by the Australian Financial Review of one of Australia’s one hundred women of influence for her work in responsible investment globally. Fiona has formerly been a pension fund director/trustee of AUSfund and been on the boards of Industry Funds Credit Control, Australia for UNHCR, the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors and the National Women in Super Network. In September 2012, she was named by the Australian Financial Review as one of Australia’s top 100 women of influence for her work in public policy.


Tate has been an investment industry media publisher and conference producer since 1996. In his media career, Tate has launched and overseen dozens of print and electronic publications. He is the chief executive and major shareholder of Conexus Financial, which was established in 2005, and is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.

The company hosts more than 20 conferences and events globally each year and publishes three digital publications, including the global website and strategy newsletter for global institutional investors, Professional Planner for financial planners, accountants and private bankers in Australia and Investment Magazine for Australian superfunds and institutional investors. One of the company’s signature events is the bi-annual Fiduciary Investors Symposium attended by global asset owners and hosted in the Americas and Europe.

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Conexus Financial’s events aim to place the responsibilities of investors in wider societal and political contexts, as well as promote the long-term stability of markets and sustainable retirement incomes.

Tate served for seven years on the board of Australia’s most high profile homeless charity, The Wayside Chapel; and he has underwritten the welfare of 60,000 people in 28 villages throughout Uganda via The Hunger Project. In 2021 was appointed as a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia (General Division) for significant service to the community through charitable initiatives.

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