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UK’s transition-focused SWF gets green light

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves didn’t waste any time approving the UK’s new SWF aimed at funding the energy transition. As it begins to lay down structure and governance frameworks critics point to the challenges of bringing projects to a level where they are investable.
Investor Profile

Private equity: Florida SBA mulls CFOs as alternative to secondaries

Florida State Board of Administration (SBA) is exploring innovative new strategies in its private equity portfolio like Collateralized Fund Obligations and “NAV loans” to tap liquidity and reposition the portfolio as an alternative to selling in the secondaries market.
Investor Profile

Profiting from war: Europe’s pension funds mull investing in defence

PensionDanmark says its decision to invest in ships for the Danish navy has been prompted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Other European pension funds are under pressure from policy makers to invest in defence but the sector doesn't sit comfortably with ESG priorities.

AP2 finds gender diversity takes backward steps at Swedish corporates

The proportion of female board members overseeing listed Swedish companies has edged downwards in the past year, currently back to 2022 levels. AP2's Female Representation Index finds some way to go until companies reach the goal of 40 per cent women on the boards.
Investor Profile

UN pension fund slashes equity and pushes into impact and venture

The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) recently reduced the allocation to equity in its $92.5 billion portfolio in what Pedro Guazo, representative of the secretary-general (RSG) for the investment of the UNJSPF assets, describes as a conservative strategic allocation in response to the overvaluation in tech.

Tip of the A-iceberg as investors grapple with the scale of opportunity

An investment theme that incorporates all traditional businesses trying to exploit technology, including AI, is simply too broad. Focusing on AI alone leaves investors exposed to the uncertainty of future developments. In between is an approach that recognises AI as an accelerant to existing trends.
Investor Profile

CalPERS’ plan to generate alpha from climate investments

CalPERS’ sustainable investment strategy is predicated on a belief it can generate outperformance by investing in climate solutions – with $100 billion to be allocated by 2030. Peter Cashion, managing investment director for sustainable investments tells Amanda White why, and how, it looks for climate alpha opportunities.
Investor Profile

Temasek says structural demand and geopolitical risk impacting China

Singapore's Temasek explains why it has a cautious approach to investment in China and highlights the growing size of its allocation to private markets.
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Investor Profile

How abundant inflows have put New Mexico’s SIC in a bind

New Mexico's oil fund is 10 per cent overweight cash and bonds relative to target in a reflection of the challenges CIO Vince Smith faces putting money to work. Equities are over valued and allocating to private markets takes time but volatility during the November election could be an opportunity.
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Brightwell focuses sustainability on equality and natural capital

Brightwell, the £37 billion new asset manager for the BT Pension Scheme, lays out why it is focusing on equality and natural capital in its first sustainability report.

‘Nothing will stop this trend’: Investing in the energy transition

The energy transition is happening; the only question is the pace at which it takes place. In assessing the investment opportunities, it helps to break the transition down into easily digestible segments. explores the opportunity set for investors, including the need to think about cross-disciplinary risks and to specialise.
FIS Toronto 2024

Investors must (creatively) make room for sustainable assets in portfolios

The investment path to net zero may not always be clear. With no dedicated asset class and shifting risk profiles for energy transition-critical assets, the Fiduciary Investors Symposium heard that asset owners need to be flexible and ready to creatively make room in their portfolios when the right opportunities arise.

Dutch fund PGB ups ESG ante for a livable world

Pensioenfonds PGB (PGB), the Netherlands €32 billion industry-wide pension fund, has rewritten its sustainable investment strategy with far reaching ESG commitments.
Asset Classes
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Featured Story

CalPERS extols the benefits of co-investment in private equity

A recent board meeting marked progress in turning around the fortunes of CalPERS' private equity portfolio. Large co-investments and reducing the bias to buyout are reshaping the profile of investments, said portfolio manager Anton Orlich.
Investor Profile

Frampton shows the way as APFC turns to China, private equity

Opportunity in China, risk aversion in fixed income as spreads remain tight, and turning up the volume in private equity: Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation's Marcus Frampton talks latest strategy at the $82 billion fund.
FIS Toronto 2024

Looking past the hype to the real benefits (and risks) of AI

AI is on every investor’s lips as a technology that will revolutionise businesses and industries. The Fiduciary Investors Symposium heard that looking past the hype to the tangible, on-the-ground benefits presents some genuine challenges for asset owners and the managers they often employ to do it for them.
FIS Toronto 2024

‘Golden age of private credit’ comes with idiosyncratic risks: Pictet

Pictet private debt head Andreas Klein says “mainstream” private credit investments have run their course as buyout activity decreases and global regulators up their oversight. Instead, investors should consider “micro-niches”, but he warns these emerging corners of the market come with hidden and unique risks.
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FIS Stanford 2018

FIS Stanford Photo Gallery

View photos from the 2018 Fiduciary Investors Symposium, held at Stanford University, United States.
FIS Stanford 2018

China’s enticing, challenging market

Inefficient markets and an explosion of technological innovation fuelled by Millennial consumers make China a tantalising prospect but accessing strong returns there isn’t as simple as it looks.
FIS Stanford 2018

Protecting human capital helps everyone

Investors have plenty to gain from helping to protect human rights in supply chains and managing the human costs during technological disruption and the transition to a low-carbon economy.
FIS Stanford 2018

How to follow megatrends to success

The big themes that will fuel growth in coming decades are interconnected and subject to change. An expert panel gave advice on riding societal change to outperformance.
FIS Stanford 2018

How the active complements the passive

Investors discuss the various ways that two styles often presented as if they are enemies in fact work hand in hand across portfolios to produce returns.
Asset Allocation
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Featured Story

Shared investment objective critical to portfolio resilience: Bridgewater

Investors who are looking to build portfolio resilience better get their team on the same page first about the underlying investment objectives in play, said Bridgewater co-CIO Karen Karniol-Tambour at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium.
Investor Profile

CPP evolves total portfolio approach

Understanding the drivers of your portfolio risk and return, and then using that information to more dynamically adjust the portfolio, is one of the benefits of the total portfolio approach according to CPP's Manroop Jhooty, whose total fund management team is exploring whether to include emerging factors in portfolio design.
Investor Profile

Looking for the exit: Oregon battles overweight allocations to illiquids

Oregon Investment Council’s exposure to private markets has been a great source of excess returns over the years, but today the overweight allocation to illiquid markets is a growing concern with ramifications for liquidity particularly.
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Factor rebalancing superior for managing liquidity

Factor rebalancing a portfolio is a better way to manage liquidity and leverage implications of illiquid assets compared to traditional rebalancing to a static asset allocation, according to new research.
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FIS Toronto 2024

The subtle complexity of best-practice pension management

Identifying best practice in pension management is not a straightforward task. As much as asset allocators may want there to be a definitive answer, differences in size, mandate and resources between different pension funds means an investment approach that works for one may not work for others.
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Brightwell ponders implications of shake up in UK pension scheme surpluses

New rules may enable employers to tap surplus funds built up in defined benefit plans in the UK. It remains unclear if this would alter investment strategy and see these funds invest more investment in so-called productive assets rather than UK government bonds.
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How Ireland’s ISIF is helping crowd-in transition finance

The €15 billion ($16.1 billion) Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) is finding compelling investment opportunities in the energy transition and is successfully drawing in additional investment to finance Ireland’s net zero commitments.

What the new global labour market really means for investors

As western economies grapple with demographic shifts and labour mismatches, a new set of opportunities and risks have appeared for investors. PGIM thematic research group director Jakob Wilhelmus outlines what they should look out for in this new world order.