The Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri (PSRS/PEERS) provide a significant and stable source of retirement, disability and survivor benefits to Missouri’s public school teachers, school employees and their families. PSRS and PEERS are Defined Benefit (DB) pension plans providing lifetime retirement benefits to qualified members based on a formula set by Missouri law. Missouri law requires the Systems to maintain a funding level that covers current and anticipated future benefit promises. This guarantees availability of funds to pay benefits as prescribed by law. Over the years, legislative changes have resulted in improved service retirement benefits, disability benefits and benefits for the beneficiaries of deceased members.
United States
Dearld Snider
Craig Husting
25.3% US Public Equity
8.6% Hedged Assets
17.1% Non-US Public Equity
12.4% US Treasuries
0.7% US TIPS
1.6% Cash
18.4% Private Equity
10.6% Private Real Estate
5.3% Private Credit
Asset allocation as of June 30, 2022. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website