Asset Owner Directory

School Employees Retirement System of Ohio (OHSERS)

The School Employees Retirement System of Ohio (SERS) was established in 1937 with the mission to provide its membership with valuable lifetime pension benefit programs and services. SERS is a defined benefit public pension plan. This means that SERS provides a specific, lifetime pension benefit based on a member’s age, amount of service credit, and average of the member’s highest three years of salary


United States



Performance (%, 1YR)


Chief Executive

Richard Stensrud

Chief Investment Officer

Farouki A. Majeed


Frank Weglarz

Asset allocation

40.4% Global Equities

13.2% Global Private Equity

12.8% Global Fixed Income

6.3% Global Private Credit

20.3% Global Real Assets

3.9% Cash Equivalents

3.1% Opportunitic & Tactical related articles
Asset Allocation

The ingredients for success in private credit

Investing in private credit brings income and supports capital preservation, but as more investors enter the asset class, competition for assets is set to heat up. Investors from South Carolina Retirement Systems Investment Commission, Investment Management Corporation of Ontario and Ohio School Employees Retirement System explain their approaches.
Investor Profile

Debt concerns drive Ohio allocations

Farouki Majeed is worried about the future. His concerns are centred around the implications of the enormous US federal debt; the global competitiveness of the US and Chinese economies; inflation; and the potential erosion of the value of the US dollar.
Asset Owner Directory
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