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Investment Think Tanks

When does momentum shift to a risky bet?

Two finance professors at the London School of Economics have introduced a new way to measure the amount of risk arbitrage in markets. Their novel measure, dubbed “comomentum”, exploits time variation in how momentum stocks excessively “comove” together to reveal how crowded the classic price momentum trading strategy is at any point in time. They […]
Uncategorised posts

Breaking bad habits: why investors aren’t good at asset allocation

Institutional investors act like momentum investors, chasing returns, even over longer time horizons according to Asset Allocation and Bad Habits, a new research paper that looks at the impact of past returns on asset allocation. The paper commissioned by Rotman-ICPM and authored by Amit Goyal professor at Univeriste de Lausanne, Andrew Ang professor at Columbia Business […]
Investment Think Tanks

LSE fiduciary investor think tank

Investors were challenged to think differently about their portfolios by the latest academic thinking from the London School of Economics at a one-day investment roundtable in London last week.   Chief investment officers from UK and European public and corporate pension funds convened at the London School of Economics for a highly interactive one-day investment […]

What’s the impact of the stock:bond correlation?

The correlation between stocks and bonds in a rising interest rate environment can turn positive. So given the likelihood of a rate rise, what should asset allocation look like if investors are forward looking?   One of the growing trends in asset and risk allocations is to adopt a forward-looking view driven by macroeconomics, rather […]
Uncategorised posts

Foundations and endowments flock to long duration

The risk of a US equity market decline and concerns over the future direction of interest rates has been driving US foundations and endowments’ asset allocation decisions in the past year, with a distinct move away from US equity to global allocations and away from US-focused core to longer duration and high yield. The latest […]