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The power of innovation

From allocating assets in order to achieve a healthy funding status, to keeping up with technology that analyses portfolio risk, the challenges of asset owners are relentlessly evolving. For asset managers, like AQR, the key to their own evolution and success is how to be more relevant to clients. AQR keeps clients’ needs firmly within […]

Emerging equity markets in a globalising world

Even though there has been dramatic globalisation over the past 20 years it still makes sense to segregate global equities into “developed” and “emerging” market buckets, according to a paper by Columbia and Duke academics. The research, which has important policy implications for institutional and pension fund management, shows that while correlations between developed and […]

Citigroup: a case study in managerial and regulatory failures

This article by Arthur Wilmarth from George Washington University Law School uses Citigroup as a case study to demonstrate the question of whether bank executives and regulators are able to supervise and control today’s complex megabanks. The study shows that post-mortem evaluations of Citigroup’s near-collapse revealed that neither Citigroup’s managers nor its regulators recognized the […]
Uncategorised posts

Funds must embrace data to win

Superannuation funds in Australia are not putting enough emphasis on data and technology as a tool to strengthen member engagement or as a platform for their business. There is plenty they can learn from Rayid Ghani, chief scientist for the Obama for America 2012 campaign, who was the keynote at the Conference of Major Superannuation Funds […]
Investor Profile

Centrica focuses on dynamic decision making

For the Centrica pension fund, which adopts a liability-matching portfolio approach, last year was busy for appraising new opportunities arising out of the fact banks are no longer lending. This year its focus is on being more dynamic. Amanda White spoke to chief investment officer of the £5.5 billion ($9 billion), Chetan Ghosh. The Centrica […]

Macroeconomic risk and hedge fund returns

This paper estimates hedge fund and mutual fund exposure to newly proposed measures of macroeconomic risk that are interpreted as measures of economic uncertainty. The academics, from Georgetown and Stern, find the resulting uncertainty betas explain a significant proportion of the cross-sectional dispersion in hedge fund returns. However, the same is not true for mutual […]