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Ugo Bassi focuses on transparency at ICGN

For many people their most memorable in situ news moment is when man landed on the moon or when John Lennon, Princess Diana or Michael Jackson died. But most Italians will remember where they were when Pope Benedict XVI resigned. A country with record unemployment, no head of state and no head of the church […]
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Montagnon defines investor engagement

There is scope for European legislation directing asset owners who issue mandates to service providers in Europe to say that they have “thought through” what they want their asset managers to engage with companies on, ICGN conference delegates heard. Peter Montagnon, senior investment adviser of corporate governance at the UK Financial Reporting Council, says there […]
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Code of conduct for proxy voting industry

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has developed a set of high level principles with the aim of encouraging the proxy voting industry to develop its own code of conduct. Speaking at the ICGN conference in Milan, the head of the investment and reporting division at ESMA, Laurent Degabriel, said it will set a […]
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Breakfast with AQR’s Cliff Asness

Having a breakfast meeting with Cliff Asness is a wake-up call. He will let you know if you’re late – something he holds in very little regard. He admits he has to constantly remind himself that just because he’s 20 minutes early to everything that others are not automatically then 20 minutes late. Asness is […]
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Ownership: a forgotten art?

While the responsible investment field has come a long way, the majority of investors are still treating it as an overlay, rather than truly integrating it into investment decision-making. This is not an ideal situation for the investment industry, not to mention society at large, but it presents an opportunity for those that do integrate […]

Smart beta: where is the value?

I’ve been contemplating the “smart beta” wave the industry seems to be riding at the moment. Cynically, part of that contemplation asks whether there is any innovation at play or whether it’s simply the industry playing with nomenclature once again. The answer is confusing, for while I’d like to be able to write it off […]