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Sustainability Digital – Sept 2021

Church of Sweden manages concentration risk

The SEK10 billion Church of Sweden fund invests all its assets through a sustainability lens. It’s had stellar performance driven largely by a chunk of the fund invested in the Generation Investment Management global equity fund, an investment that was diluted last year to manage concentration risk. Amanda White spoke to CIO, Anders Thorendal.
Investor Profile

AIMCo enhances top down strategy function

In October 2020 AIMCo, the C$118 billion Canadian fund appointed its first chief investment strategy officer splitting the investment function between the top down strategy and bottom up implementation responsibilities. Amanda White talks to Amit Prakash about how the new function will add valuable investment insights to clients.

How CalSTRS took on Exxon

In an unequivocal message to boards that climate inaction could cost them their positions, Exxon shareholders voted this week to replace atleast two of its directors with those that have experience in climate transition. It is a win for CalSTRS which has been vocal in its support of Engine No.1, the activist hedge fund that put forward the alternative directors. The proposal was also supported by CalPERS and New York State Common Retirement Fund.

Letter to the editor

Keith Ambachtsheer responds to an article on the negotiations by CalSTRS' outgoing chief executive, Jack Ehnes, to achieve fully funded status by 2046.