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The best of 2020

In 2020, as the world and global economies changed so dramatically, we were on our toes to innovate our media and event offerings in a bid to give you what you needed to navigate a changing world. We pivoted to a digital event offering, introduced podcast series and created a COVID-19 research hub

Campaigns guide industry best practice

In 2021 will be actively campaigning to ensure the industry is allocating capital for the best possible outcomes for individuals and for the world. Here we launch our campaigns, and encourage you to be a part of them.

“Black Swan” an excuse for inaction

Black Swan has become a cliché for any bad thing that surprises us. But the onset of COVID-19 was not a Black Swan according to the academic who invented the term and laments its misuse. So why does the finance industry continue to be ignorant or unable to look beyond traditional finance models in assessing global risks?