The latest

Coronavirus, climate change parallels

The lackadaisical response by the United States to the coronavirus crisis is indicative of broader risk management issues and comparable to the country’s anaemic response to climate change according to risk expert, Bob Litterman.

The power of collective investor action

It’s time for the responsible investment community to step up and play its role as long-term holders of capital and call corporations to account. It’s time for asset owners sitting at the apex of the investment chain to lead the financial sector through this crisis. We need to maintain a focus on long-term horizons and support collective action while trying to understand the real issues companies are facing from COVID-19 as well as the flow on effects to our individual portfolios.

Long-term approach needed more than ever

Chief investment officer of the world’s largest pension fund the $1.5 trillion GPIF, Hiro Mizuno, says large institutional investors must stay calm and maintain their long term investment course. He told that “long term investment is needed more than ever before”.
Private Equity

Revolutionising private market reporting

Nearly 10 years ago Lorelei Graye was part of the team at South Carolina that pushed for private market reporting transparency. That experience has motivated her to be a part of the solution in heading up the ADS Initiative to develop global data standards for private capital. We look at the journey to get there.

Emerging markets vulnerable

Investors have pulled $83 billion from emerging markets since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the largest capital outflow ever recorded, and the IMF and the World Bank are calling on G20 countries to show relief in dealing with their emerging market counterparts.