The latest

Time for a coordinated approach

The US Federal Reserve has fired its last round of ammunition, cutting interest rates to zero, in a move that continues to see it play from the monetary policy songbook. Some market commentators doubt whether it will be enough to prop up markets, raising the question of whether it is finally time for a more coordinated fiscal and monetary policy approach.
Asset Allocation

It’s a drag: why TPA is superior to SAA

A total portfolio approach overcomes the governance, benchmark and inertia drags inherent in strategic asset allocation, and can add returns of 50-100 basis points above SAA, according to global head of investment content at Willis Towers Watson, Roger Urwin.
Asset Allocation

Coronavirus: market impacts

The coronavirus has triggered a market correction, bringing the S&P 500 off its all-time high. But as always an analysis of fundamentals, and the relationship between price and value, is essential for allocating capital. So could this be a time to buy?

Recession likely in six months: index

There is a 70 per cent chance a recession will occur in the next six months according to a new index measuring the state of the economy that uses a statistical method first applied to analysing human skulls.

China’s opportunity

The crisis in China is far from over. But the Sustainable Finance Institue’s Huang Zhong and Cary Krosinsky, author of the upcoming Modern China: Financial Cooperation for Solving Sustainability Challenges, argue it is never too early to look at what went wrong. They argue if the Chinese government and its ruling party applied some basic sustainable investment principles, it would have taken a very different approach towards critical stakeholders such as Dr. Li and potentially avoided some of the negative consequences.