The latest

UK funds set RI reporting expectations for managers

A group of 16 UK asset owners with combined assets of more than £200 billion ($269 billion) have developed a guide to responsible investment reporting in public equity. The aim of the guide is to clarify the investors’ reporting responsible investment requirements as they seek to include it in RFPs, manager searches, due diligence and […]
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Investors need to revamp portfolio construction

Investors should re-consider their investment processes in order to achieve the needed “step-change in efficient portfolio construction” in a low return environment, the chief executive of the A$109 billion ($83 billion) Future Fund, David Neal, says. “It is the investment process that turns the universe of opportunities into a portfolio, and right now that process […]

Beyond divestment

While divestment is a useful tool to communicate concerns of climate risk to stakeholders, it is not an optimal investment strategy, in part because it ignores short-term benchmark risk. A research paper by MSCI provides a framework for evaluating ways to reduce two dimensions of carbon exposure – current carbon emissions and potential future emissions […]
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Investors need to rethink operating model

A neat little story of investment flows, asset allocation changes, and relationship and service demands is emerging from the third annual Quirk Global Fiduciary CIO Survey. If you’re a CIO of an asset owner what that means is more control but also more responsibilities and the demands of more internal resources. For managers it […]
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The power of technology: forward looking risk tools

The finance industry is slow in its willingness to innovate around technology, and is behind other industries says Jessica Donohue executive vice president, chief innovation officer and head of advisory and information solutions at State Street. And the cost of that inability, or stubbornness, around technology innovation is not inconsequential. State Street recently released its […]

Focusing on the long term: a guide

Investors say they  like to, and want to, focus on the long term, but they often don’t know how to change their practices to orient their governance and investments to do so. Now, finally, a guide has been developed for investors to use as benchmark for implementing strategies for long-term investment. The guide is an […]