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Sustainability Digital – Sept 2020
Sustainability Conference 2020: Day 1
Watch day one of the Sustainability Digital event like it's a live stream. All the action and all the speakers can be viewed here.
Claudia GuestSeptember 10, 2020
Sustainability Digital – Sept 2020
Advocating for the SDGs
The SDGs have a bold ambition to “transform our world” while “leaving no one behind”. Hear from some of the United Nations SDG ambassadors on why they are a universal action plan to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030
Claudia GuestSeptember 9, 2020
Sustainability Digital – Sept 2020
Planetary Boundaries:
Businesses have a huge role to play in containing global environmental risks. And because they have great leverage on companies, so too do investors. The idea of “ethical” or “green” investing has gained ground in recent years, but it is hampered by a lack of quantitative definitions.
Claudia GuestSeptember 8, 2020
Sustainability Digital – Sept 2020
Beyond green bonds
The European Union's rescue plan will give a huge boost to an already thriving market for green bonds and other instruments that promote sustainability. But investors need to be wary: green comes in many shades.
Claudia GuestAugust 7, 2020