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FIS Toronto 2024

Reflections on Fiduciary Investors Symposium, Toronto

The Fiduciary Investors Symposium was held in May in Toronto. Conexus Institute executive director David Bell shares his reflections through the lens of a researcher focused on Australia’s superannuation system and a former pension fund CIO, and someone with a strong academic background in all things investment and pension related.

Accountability the next step in ESG

Accounting for sustainability in the measurement of outcomes is the next frontier in government policy, and has the potential to significantly uplift the contribution investment organisations can make to a more sustainable world, writes David Bell.
Asset Allocation

Is portfolio construction up to the task

The best way to integrate different scenarios into portfolio construction is front of mind for investors right now. But as David Bell explores adapting academic practices into the more complex real world is full of challenges. There are some important learnings in examining different techniques though.

Crisis highlights agency issues in Oz

The current coronavirus crisis has created investment governance challenges for Australia’s superannuation funds – with regard to liquidity requirements – that are relevant to any DC scheme which invests in illiquid assets. It highlights the potential impact of agency issues on decision-making during a crisis environment.