The latest

ESG: It’s really quite simple

Fiona Reynolds, long-time CEO of the PRI and now CEO of publishing firm Conexus Financial, responds to the rising denunciation of ESG investing and claims that over-thinking, over-regulation and over-standardisation is complicating what is actually a very simple investment philosophy.
Manager Relationships

RI at core of manager relationships

When leading asset owners work with managers, they incorporate ESG issues into contracts and threaten to terminate relationships due to materialising ESG issues. To help make ESG considerations mainstream in investment management contracts the PRI has released a guide for investors on the manager selection and monitoring process.

Australia’s climate emergency

In the midst of the worst bushfires in Australia's history, CEO of the PRI, Fiona Reynolds, an Australian living in London is calling on investors to play a leading role in encouraging governments to be ambitious in their climate policy.