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New York’s budget, how would you spend it?

The city of New York spent $472.5 million on asset manager fees in 2012/13. The allocation of these funds is part of the $68 billion annual budget the City Comptroller has to run the city of New York. The bureau of asset management that oversees the $137.4 billion in pensions fits within that budget, but […]

Emerging equity markets in a globalising world

This research by academics at Duke and Columbia Universities looks at whether it still makes sense to separate equities allocations into developed and emerging market buckets.   Given the dramatic globalization over the past twenty years, does it make sense to segregate global equities into “developed” and “emerging” market buckets? This paper argues that the […]

What a difference a PhD makes

New research has found that if you have a PhD and work for a money manager your flows will be larger and your performance will be better. This research in the US shows that the gross performance of domestic equity investment products managed by individuals with a Ph.D. (Ph.D. products) is superior to the performance […]

Serious policy barriers limit long-term investment

The OECD annual survey of large pension funds and public pension reserve funds, reveals the “existence of serious barriers that need to be urgently addressed at policy level” to encourage long-term investment. The survey, which looks at 86 institutional investors from more than 35 countries accounting for $9.7 trillion in assets, as part of a […]

GTAA and institutional investment management

The $70 billion AIMCo uses global tactical asset allocation to help add return in excess of passive portfolios. This research piece details how it has used GTAA over the past few years, advising other funds that executing a successful GTAA requires developing world-class talent, systems, process and governance.   To access the paper click below […]

How Norway’s SWF deals with FX tail risk

From a risk management perspective, tail risks and return distribution asymmetries of investments are important to analyse. Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) in this note describes a modelling approach that addresses some of the weaknesses of standard risk models. It uses the model internally as a complement to standard models to evaluate tail risk in foreign-exchange […]