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Macro sensitive portfolio strategies

This research paper by MSCI defines macro-economic risk as the change in asset value due to persistent shocks to real economic growth. This definition underscores the role of long horizons in macroeconomic risk and the principal issue facing investors: how should asset allocation respond to large macroeconomic shocks, given that their consequences are likely to […]

Investors add to credit cycle

Reaching-for-yield — the propensity to buy riskier assets in order to achieve higher yields — is believed to be an important factor contributing to the credit cycle. This Harvard Business School finance working paper analyses this phenomenon in the corporate bond market. The paper’s authors Bo Becker and Victoria Ivashina show evidence for reaching for […]

Low vol strategies
can go global

S&P Dow Jones Indices’ researchers take a closer look at the long-term effectiveness of low volatility strategies in this paper. Aye Soe, S&P’s director of index research and design, analyses the low-volatility effect in the US equity market, with a focus on the common properties of various low-volatility strategies. Drawing from the extensive academic literature […]