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Real estate sustainability

The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), which will launch its third annual sustainability survey today, has announced a partnership with the Global Reporting Initiative to enhance sustainability reporting. The survey allows participating fund managers to benchmark their portfolio on environmental and social performance against their peers. The GRESB Foundation is backed by 30 institutional […]

Latest research

A study comparing the performance of equal-, value-, and price-weighted portfolios of stocks in the major US equity indices over the last four decades has won a prestigious award. Raman Uppal, Member of EDHEC-Risk Institute and Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School, along with co-authors Grigory Vilkov and Yuliya Plyakha, both of Goethe University […]

Research suggests global diversification works… eventually

An article written by AQR Capital Management colleagues, Cliff Asness, Roni Israelov, and John Liew, International Diversification Works (Eventually) was selected the best article in the prestigious Graham and Dodd Awards, a CFA Institute program honoring the top Financial Analysts Journal articles of 2011. It finds that despite the many critics of diversification, global portfolio […]

Does risk-based strategy diversification work?

This MSCI research note looks at the historical behaviour of two risk-based investment strategies and investigates their potential application in an institutional equity portfolio.   Does risk-based strategy diversification work?

Systematic risk and the cross-section of hedge fund returns

This paper investigates the extent to which market risk, residual risk, and tail risk explain the cross sectional dispersion in hedge fund returns. The paper introduces a comprehensive measure of systematic risk (SR) for individual hedge funds by breaking up total risk into systematic and fund specific or residual risk components.