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Eigenfactor adjusted covariance matrices

This paper investigates the underlying sources for the biases of optimised portfolios, and identifies special portfolios, termed eigenfactors, that exhibit large systematic biases in the risk forecasts. It shows that the covariance matrix can be adjusted to remove these biases, and that removing eigenfactor biases essentially removes the optimised portfolio biases as well.
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Derivatives: How will the New US and EU Regulations Affect the Asia Pacific Region

The global financial services industry during 2011 faces active rulemaking and a myriad of changes in derivatives regulations from the United States and European Union. For financial firms operating in the Asia-Pacific region, the effects of these proposed regulatory changes on derivatives markets are particularly unclear. This article touches on some of the most-pressing concerns […]

The new era of infrastructure investing

This collaborative research looks at the constraints preventing institutional investors from taking their theoretical place of prominence in the market for private infrastructure. It offers insight into how institutional investors can establish internal programs, and details about the challenges of direct investment programs. But, it also concludes that funds managers will still have a crucial […]
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Systemic Risk: Strategic Challenges for Policymakers and Practitioners

Systemic risk has emerged as a critical challenge for central bankers, regulators, asset owners and managers. While the infuence of the phenomenon is well-understood, systemic risk is often virtually invisible until it erupts into widespread market dislocation. New regulatory standards, oversight bodies and quantitative research approaches seek to moderate its infuence and stabilise global markets. […]
Uncategorised posts

Myths may shackle SWFs

Chair of the A$75billion ($79bn) Australian Future Fund, and outgoing chair of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds, David Murray (pictured), believes sovereign wealth funds are at risk of discrimination if some key myths about their structure and investment intentions are not discussed.