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The Changing Shape of European Investment Management

The fnancial crisis has triggered a series of regulatory initiatives that are set to infuence the competitive landscape for European asset managers. While pre-crisis regulation focused largely on market effciency, many of the new measures are focused on issues of investor protection. The pace and rigour of these developments may increase complexity and cost, with potential implications for the […]

Industry vs country factors in global equity markets

The relative strengths of industry versus country factors can be of major importance for global equity portfolio managers. If country effects dominate, then primary consideration can be given to the country allocation decision. On the other hand, if global economic integration is reducing the distinctions between countries, then an industry-first investment process may be more […]

Allocating assets in climates of extreme risk

This research by MSCI provides “material extensions” of the standard stress testing methodology of portfolios. It provides a quantitative method to modify asset allocation weights in a stress scenario, and a new paradigm for translating extreme events into asset class scenarios.

Socially Responsible Investing and Expecting Stock Returns

At the Q Group Spring seminar, this paper by Sudheer Chava, College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology finds that investors demand significantly higher expected returns on stocks excluded by enviornmental screens widely used by socially responsible investors, compared to firms without environmental concerns.
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Technology has long been an essential behind-the-scenes partner in the financial services industry, providing theinnovative incremental advances necessary for the industry to upgrade and expand its services. Improvements in storage capacity and processing speed, for example, have had a profound impact on data management and transactional capabilities, with accompanying reductions in cost. Yet despite these […]
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Frontier Markets: Aligning Portfolios with the Global Economy

The frontier markets sub-asset class, which completes the international opportunity set, exhibits low correlations to developed countries, high long-term economic growth potential and an attractive risk/return profile. These characteristics may appeal to sophisticated investors who want broad exposure to this asset class and understand the higher geo-political, regulatory and operational risks in these markets. Click […]