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The Path Forward: Designing the Ideal Defined Contribution Plan

The Path Forward: Designing the Ideal Defined Contribution Plan poised the question: “How would you design the ideal workplace DC plan if you were freed from existing laws, structures, history and standard practices?” This paper shares the 10 characteristics that plan sponsors and consultants believe would define the ideal DC plan structure. Click here to […]

Volatility cycles of value stocks

This MSCI research examines the volatility cycle of value stocks, shedding light on the changes in relative contributions of value and non-value portfolios to total risk.

Momentum in Japan works well: Asness

By studying value and momentum in Japan as a system, because they are strongly negatively correlated, this paper by AQR’s Cliff Asness argues that despite popular belief, momentum “works quite well” in Japan.

Making sense of China’s excessive foreign reserves

This analysis suggests that without a well-developed domestic financial market, the value of the Chinese currency (renminbi) may significantly depreciate, instead of appreciate, once the Chinese government abandons the linked exchange rate and the massive amount of precautionary savings of Chinese households are unleashed toward international financial markets to search for better returns.