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Real estate or infrastructure? Evidence from conditional asset allocation

This study by Tobias Dechant and Konrad Finkenzeller from the University of Rengensberg’s BS Institute of Real Estate, reassesses the role of real estate in the asset allocation processs, by considering a wide range of alternative and/or seemingly related assets, paying particular attention to infrastructure.

In defence of hedge funds of funds

Funds of funds, particularly hedge funds of funds, have suffered outflows in recent years as pension funds reassessed their cost alongside risk and return characteristics. The conventional wisdom is that all types of FoFs are at death’s door.

The case for leveraged loans

Leveraged loans are the senior-most debt obligations of non-investment grade corporate borrowers and are an attractive source for uncorrelated returns, argue David Frey and Julian Qin, of Highbridge Principal Strategies.

Norway aims for ‘green’ returns

The Norwegian government is trying to balance financial returns with sustainable development in regulating the GPFG, and the possibility of applying this model to other sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) and institutional investors in general. In this paper for the University of Oslo, Adjunct Professor Anita Halvorssen argues that sustainable development needs to be included in […]
Uncategorised posts

Diversification is not enough for managing risk

Diversification alone is not enough to manage downside risk, rather academic research in dynamic portfolio theory suggests the three complementary techniques of diversification, hedging, and insurance can be used together to design customised investment solutions, that ultimately separate assets into performance seeking portfolios and liability hedging portfolios, according to EDHEC’s Felix Goltz and Stoyan Stoyanov. […]

QE2 not just another QE1

Following the Fed’s announcement of QE2 and the recent auction of 5-year TIPS  that resulted in the first-ever negative yield issuance (-0.55%), AQR has updated its recent research series on inflation. This paper addresses the events which resulted in the first-ever negative yield TIPS issuance, discusses the future impact of government actions, and comments on […]