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Does Britain need a financial regulator?

Terry Arthur and Philip Booth from The Institute of Economic Affairs explore whether Britain actually needs a financial regulator, concluding among other things that the FSA “is simply the wrong model to generate appropriate rules and regulations”.

Revisiting global small caps

This research insight by MSCI, shows global small caps still exhibit distinct characteristics that provide opportunities for portfolio diversification and active management.
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Start smelling the chocolates

The intelligent investor, managing director of Bedlam Asset Management, Jonathan Compton, says will look forward not back. Instead of reporting on the rescue of those countries already defaulting, he believes Belgium could be the next nation to default.
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Keynesians and Austrians slug it out in debate

There are two very different schools of thought on how to exit from the economic crisis.  Rob Prugue, senior managing director from Lazard Asset Management Asia Pacific, discusses what investors need to understand from these two diverging economic views.

Inflation in 2010 and beyond

The second paper by AQR examining inflation considerations in institutional asset allocation finds an equal risk-weighted portfolio performs better on average and is less dramatically affected by individual inflation and growth scenarios