The latest

Campbell Harvey: Factor investing beyond the snake oil

I chat with Campbell, Professor of Finance at Duke University, on the future of quantitative finance, academic journals, model fitting and the intellectual fallacies within inference. Nothing on this podcast is to be considered investment advice or a r

Sean Anthonisz: Risk and the rules of finance

I chat with Sean, senior quantitative analyst at Mine Super, on the scientific process, uncertainty and the changing relationship between academia and the private sector in Australia. Nothing on this podcast is to be considered investment advice or a r

Alexander Fleiss: Humility and mean reversion

I chat with Alexander, CEO at Rebellion Research, on stock selection, portfolio construction and his passion for teaching. Nothing on this podcast is to be considered investment advice or a recommendation. No investment decision or activity should be u

Gideon Smith: Fundamentals and the golden age for quants

I chat with Gideon, CIO & global head of portfolio management at Rosenberg Equities, on data playgrounds, hubris and the exciting future for quantitative investing. Nothing on this podcast is to be considered investment advice or a recommendation. No i

Anthony Tockar: Data ethics and the AI arms race

I chat with Anthony, Director at Verge Labs, on the open-source revolution, how we should frame the conversation around ethics and potentially optimistic viewpoint as artificial intelligence evolves. Nothing on this podcast is to be considered investme