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Pension reform divides state of New York

Pension reform in the state of New York is politically embroiled with the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and fellow democrat New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli at opposite ends of the defined benefit/defined contribution debate. DiNapoli is the sole trustee of the state’s $149.9 billion public fund and a strong proponent of its defined […]
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Ethics not returns drive AP7’s ESG policy

Returns are a secondary consideration to the ethical values of members when framing the socially responsible investment policy of Swedish fund AP7. AP7’s head of communications, Johan Floren, says that the fund is less concerned with socially responsible investment (SRI) as a driver of returns rather than as a reflection of the values and ethics […]
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Index providers push into active managers’ domain

Index construction is pushing the boundaries of active management, with index providers launching products such as high beta to take advantage of market movements. S&P Indices is the latest to add to its family of high-beta indexes, recently launching two indexes of developed and emerging markets. Alka Banerjee, S&P Indices’ vice president of strategy and […]