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Asset Allocation

CalPERS mulls leverage

The board of the United States’ largest pension fund calls in the experts as it considers applying leverage in its portfolio, part of efforts to improve a 68 per cent liability-funding ratio.
FIS Harvard 2014

Concerns over private equity leave pension funds wary

Institutional investors are clearly attracted to private equity, but remain wary of the sector for its perceived lack of transparency and ability to be measured, high fees and a sense that they cannot invest into the sector as truly equal partners. “It’s clear that now is a time with a lot of flux in private […]
FIS Harvard 2014

All aboard the change express as Railpen leaves the station

At the end of a corporate review process that lasted eight months, involved 23 meetings of a steering committee and produced 60 working papers, the UK railways pension fund Railpen was left with 422 action items. “We’ve done 224 of them,” Chris Hitchen, Railpen chief executive, told the Fiduciary Investors Symposium (FIS) at Harvard University. […]