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Sustainability Digital – March 2021

Principles of a climate-impact dashboard

The climate-impact dashboard is part of a 3-D investment framework that balances risk, return and impact. This includes total portfolio thinking, long-horizon investing, impact investment strategies, system-level engagement and strategic partnership between asset owners and asset managers. Here Tim Hodgson lays out eight guiding principles to help shape a climate-impact dashboard.

Past returns: don’t even guide the past

The Thinking Ahead Institute's Tim Hodgson argues that past returns were over-stated, and future returns will be lower. More accurately, total value created will need to increase for shareholders to retain the same amount of value as previously.

The value creation boundary

The value creation boundary, a margin between innocent bystanders and the parties involved in an economic activity, is a powerful thinking device for asset owners and managers to use in considering their investment responsibilities. So should long-term investors expand the boundary and include more of humanity in the consequences of investment decisions?