FIS Digital – June 2020

Florida: Opportunities in a crisis

The Florida State Board of Administration has made some strategic moves to take advantage of opportunities in the dislocation, including in private equity, distressed debt and active listed equities.. But CIO, Ash Williams, is concerned about the underlying real economy.
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FIS Digital – June 2020

Asset owners adapt and respond to COVID

The Responsible Asset Allocator Initiative finds that 25 leading public pension and sovereign wealth funds, with assets of $6 trillion, are investing tens of billions of dollars in COVID-19 solutions and in funds to support stricken companies. Here they look at what the leading asset allocators around the world are doing to respond to the pandemic.
Episode 6 - Amanda White

The importance of engagement

30 mins.

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In this episode Amanda White talks with engagement specialist at Robeco, Peter van der Werf, about the importance of engagement; what good engagement looks like; and what financially material sustainability themes are important right now. View more info
Episode 5 - Amanda White

Looking forward with the PRI

37 mins.

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In conversation with Fiona Reynolds, chief executive of the PRI, this episode looks specifically at some of the activities of the PRI and its engagement with stakeholders around COVID-19, their ESG priorities and what a sustainable recovery looks like. View more info
How can investors work together to combat inequality? In this podcast episode Amanda White speaks to the president of CalPERS, Henry Jones, about his own experience and the fund's journey in tackling diversity and inclusion, in particular issues of racism. View more info