The Fiduciary Investors Symposium is a quarterly event for the senior investment professionals at large institutional investors around the globe. The audience comprises chief investment officers and other senior investment professionals from pension funds, endowments and sovereign wealth funds from more than 20 countries.

MEDIA PARTNER is the news and analysis site for the world’s largest institutional investors. It focuses on strategy and implementation and is populated with original news stories, case studies and research that relate directly to the work of investment professionals at pension funds, endowments and sovereign wealth funds. One of its defining characteristics is truly global content that focuses on the strategies, portfolio construction and implementation techniques of institutional investors.


Tuesday, November 19 - Thursday, November 21 | Conference proceedings
Conference Suite, Rhodes House
University of Oxford


The dress code for all conference proceedings and social functions is business attire.


For enquiries related to registration and event logistics, please contact the Conexus Financial events team at

Fund managers wishing to attend must sponsor the event. To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please email