The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) Realty-owned AeroCentre V opened in Mississauga this week, a cutting edge “healthy” office building with features that include windows that open, and natural light that will help will reduce energy consumption 35-50 per cent. (more…)

Robert Shiller

At a Yale-hosted roundtable on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act, professor of economics, Robert Shiller, said the success of the Act, and the agencies created to study aspects of the market, will depend on appointing the right people, who should be willing to take advice from his fellow economists. (more…)

David Blake, director of the Pensions Institute at the Cass Business School in London, believes the UK government should issue longevity bonds to help create an efficient capital market for the transfer of longevity risk. But given the government’s reluctance to do so, he says, perhaps the private sector should step up. (more…)

While the hedge fund space may have contracted in the past three years, manager representation at an association level in Europe is set to increase with the launch of a US-based rival group to the London-based Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA). (more…)

CalPERS has reduced its total fund tracking error from 2.17 per cent to 1.94 per cent in the quarter to June 30, but it still sits above the budgeted 1.5 per cent. (more…)

‘The Hare and the Tortoise’, a well-known Aesop’s fable, does not have much in common with ‘An Imperial Message’, a less-well-known story from Franz Kafka, but combined they may tell us something about current reactions to the unsettling world which the global financial crisis has thrown investors into. (more…)