The China Investment Corporation (CIC) is having its domestic portfolio boosted through the transfer of the 43.5 per cent stake in China International Capital Corp (CICC), the country’s largest investment bank, by it’s state-controlled brokerage firm, China Jianyin Investment Securities. (more…)

Real estate and infrastructure are attractive investments in the private markets space, but individual investment selection has become more important in private equity and debt, according to the latest major analysis by global private markets investment management firm Partners Group. (more…)

China is stepping up its clean energy drive, both through a reduction of its own emissions and by becoming the biggest supplier of some clean-energy equipment in the world. Picture (courtesy China Daily) shows cooling towers being demolished with explosives amid efforts to reduce emissions in Zoucheng, East China’s Shandong province, last week. (more…)

Multi-asset class and alternative investments, particularly unleveraged absolute return funds will attract the highest inflows in Europe over the next few years, according to a survey which also reported groundswell support for more shareholder engagement. (more…)

The Teacher Retirement System of Texas is part way through a state-side tour to visit other state pension funds that have implemented new technology systems, as it decides the best path for its own system review. (more…)

Terry Arthur and Philip Booth from The Institute of Economic Affairs explore whether Britain actually needs a financial regulator, concluding among other things that the FSA “is simply the wrong model to generate appropriate rules and regulations”. (more…)