The rise of new forms of communications over the past 20 years is generally regarded as a positive development for most, if not all, businesses. Productivity has risen across the board, right?


Signs that the global shipping industry has hit the bottom of its current cycle provides a good case for opportunistic investing in cargo vessels, Mercer says.


John Crocker

From July 1, the $32 billion Canadian fund, HOOPP, went live with a new investment IT platform, powered by Simcorp. Amanda White spoke with chief executive of HOOPP, John Crocker, about the importance of technology in the way the fund manages its money. (more…)

This OECD working paper assesses the relative performance of different investment strategies, and whether the specific glide-path of life-cycle investment strategies and dynamic features in the design of default investment strategies significantly affect retirement income outcomes.


The institutional usage of exchange-traded funds is booming around the world, putting paid to any lingering doubt that the vehicles are meant for retail investors. Michael Bailey reports.
