The benefits of risk parity portfolios are largely an illusion and contain hidden risks such as confusing volatility with risk and including asset classes that have significant negative skew, which combined with leverage could be painful for investors, according to director of asset allocation at GMO, Ben Inker.


Non-executive directors’ pay should consist solely of a combination of a cash retainer and equity-based remuneration, according to the International Corporate Governance Network’s new guidelines for non-executive director pay crafted over the past several years in consultation with, and on behalf of, many of the largest global shareowners.


Abu Dhabi’s (AED88.5) $24 billion strategic investment arm, Mubadala Development, reaped nearly twice as much revenue from portfolio companies in 2009 than in the previous year.

Higher than expected foreign exchange transaction costs can result in a long-term return drag on a portfolio of up to 2 per cent over 40 years according to new research by Russell Investments, which urges investors to review and measure foreign exchange costs.


Research by Mercer and the IRCC Institute looks at the investment horizon of active long-only equity managers across different geographies and styles, examining the mismatch between the time-horizon over which managers think and say they invest and how they actually invest. It gives some insight into the causes, consequences and possible solutions to short-termism.


A typical pension fund portfolio is so dominated by equity risk that returns will fluctuate widely according to economic conditions which affect equity markets. Amanda White spoke to Rob Zink, portfolio strategist and now consultant for Bridgewater Associates about why most investors have a flawed approach to asset allocation.
