The ability to appoint and dismiss company board directors is the most important shareholder right according to an overwhelming majority of delegates at the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) annual conference, who were more cautious on whether shareholders could actually influence corporate governance once they had the right to vote.


As the International Corporate Governance Network held its annual conference this week, its new
executive director, Carl Rosen, spoke with Amanda White about the challenges for the year ahead, in particular prioritising the changes to shareholder rights in the US.


The C$105.5 billion ($90 billion) Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has vastly expanded its infrastructure investments, with its proposal to acquire all the stapled securities of Macquarie Communications Infrastructure Group being accepted by security holders.


Pension funds reduced new commitments to alternative investments in 2008 amid a tepid decline globally in alternative assets due to capital calls and some hedge funds freezing redemptions, new research has found.


Mergers and acquisitions among funds managers will continue at a steady pace for the remainder of this year as capital market stresses recede around the world, according to the latest report from Jefferies Putnam Lovell, a management consultancy.


The $62 billion Qatar Investment Authority (QIA)Â could access a greater range of investments in China if its government executes plans to set up an investment promotion office in Beijing in 2010.
