The investments committee and committee of actuaries of the $38 billion UN Joint Staff Pension Board will recommend the introduction of new asset classes, including emerging markets equity and debt, real return assets and private equity in a presentation to the board in July.


The $200 billion China Investment Corporation (CIC) will have between $4 and $6 billion invested in hedge funds by the end of this year, and will develop in-house expertise including long/short under Felix Chee, special adviser to the CIO, as part of a wider recruitment drive which includes more than 30 new positions.


The $4.7 billion Petroleum Fund of Timor-Leste has diversified its portfolio away from US Treasuries by appointing, for the first time, an external manager to invest $1 billion in high-grade, diversified fixed income, while undertaking a search for global equity managers.


The Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute has developed an eBay-like service for sovereign wealth funds that will enable them to access and search for assets and investment funds via a buyer centric marketplace.


Cleantech investments is one area in the private equity and venture capital space which is continuing to show strong growth, according to a report by London-based alternatives research house Prequin.


The $122.4 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) has withdrawn five of the seven climate-related shareholder resolutions filed during the 2009 proxy season after the companies pledged to improve their greenhouse gas disclosure.
