In this article, Ed Peters, co-director of global macro at First Quadrant, Ed Peters, examines what markets, or betas, are essential to fully diversitfy a global portfolio, while still achieving long-term goals; and how breadth is often confused with diversification.


In the headiness of the bull market, institutional investors generally took on more risk and enjoyed fewer rewards than alternatives managers. But the crisis has provided an opportunity for both counterparties to redefine the balance in the LP/GP relationship, in which institutions are entitled to demand a true alignment of interests on returns, lock-ups and fees. Simon Mumme examines new research by US consultancy Cambridge Associates.


In the nine months to March 2009, the $111.6 billion US fund, CalSTRS has vastly altered its asset allocation, decreasing its equities allocation, with global equities now 6.8 per cent underweight the target allocation.


Recessions are traditionally considered a good time to invest in private equity, but liquidity constraints and the growth of unlisted assets within portfolios is causing pension funds to sit on the sideline. Sally Collier, London-based partner at global private equity fund of funds Pantheon Ventures, said there was a US$100 billion “mismatch” between the funds available for investment in the secondaries market and the “tidal wave of supply”.


Russell Investments’ latest research argues some pension plans should consider a dynamic approach to strategic asset allocation that ties pension fund investing policy to changes in liabilities and a plan’s funded status. For the full report click here


The 21.7 billion (US$28.7 billion) Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company is adopting a ‘back to basic’ approach to investment and relying on its internal investment team to steer it through unprecedented equity market volatility. Deputy chief executive, Timo Ritakallio, talks to Kristen Paech about the virtues of in-house management.
