Bond markets might be offering comparable returns to equities and a higher place in the capital structure, but they should be approached cautiously as they lack what institutions around the world are trying to maintain – liquidity.


European pension schemes are increasing their allocations to non-traditional asset classes as a way to manage risk as a result of turbulent market-prompted investment reviews, according to Mercer’s annual European Asset Allocation Survey.


UniSuper, the $23 billion Australian pension fund for those working in higher education and research, has developed an in-house risk budgeting and factor analysis program that monitors the extent to which the fund deviates from its strategic asset allocation, and ensure the fund’s active risk is allocated appropriately between managers.


The hedge fund industry faces a transformational crisis, precipitated by external market events and worsened by the industry’s mixed record at meeting investors’ risk and liquidity expectations as well as weaknesses in the hedge fund business model. Here, a full copy of the Casey Quirk/ BNY Mellon Hedge Fund of Tomorrow report, faces and embraces those challenges.


While it may not have liabilities to pay out just yet, the NZ$11.2 billion (US$6.26 billion) New Zealand Superannuation Fund is not immune to the liquidity pressures facing institutional investors across the globe. Kristen Paech talks to chief executive Adrian Orr about the challenges facing the fund, and the potential investment opportunities.


Adoption of the Model Request for Proposal, developed by the CFA Institute Centre for Financial Market Integrity, is a step towards robust due diligence in the selection of money managers according to Matthew Orsagh, senior policy analyst with the Institute’s Capital Markets Policy Group.
