How ATP takes on risk on top of providing a guarantee

Higher guaranteed pensions is good news for members of Denmark’s biggest pension fund, but how is ATP’s new pension savings model holding up in volatile markets? Kristen Paech reports on the investment strategies the fund is pursuing to meet its goals.


The US$10 billion sovereign fund New Zealand Superannuation Fund (NZSF) has, in its typically transparent fashion, published a UN assessment of its adherence to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment.


Asset consultant Watson Wyatt has recommended that its global clients suspend their securities lending programmes if they have any doubt about their arrangements with lending agents.


One of the great things about hedge funds is that they have provided a field day for academic researchers to write scholarly articles on their risks and returns. Yet, for all of this scholarship, a practical roadmap to hedge funds has remained elusive.

Until now.


Jon LittleBNY Mellon Asset Management sees the financial crisis as a time of opportunity to increase its range of multi-affiliate firms through acquisition, according to its chairman, international, Jon Little.


In early 2007, we started advising clients that we thought the next major investment opportunity would be in distressed securities. As the credit crisis has unfolded and the first ripples of this tidal wave have appeared, we have often been asked for our views on how to structure and fund these types of investments