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The business benefits of active ownership

Celebrating active ownership day, Simon Howard the chief executive of the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association, describes the business benefits of active ownership.   Active ownership by investors is becoming increasingly recognised for delivering a range of business benefits from helping to protect corporate reputations, to increasing share prices. Active ownership funds, i.e. those […]

Active ownership

Academics from the London Business School, Boston College and Temple University, examine the outperformance of US public companies following corporate social responsibility engagement.
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Ownership: a forgotten art?

While the responsible investment field has come a long way, the majority of investors are still treating it as an overlay, rather than truly integrating it into investment decision-making. This is not an ideal situation for the investment industry, not to mention society at large, but it presents an opportunity for those that do integrate […]
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Rethink remuneration

Institutional investors around the world have been lobbying for the right to have a say on pay, a right to have an input into the remuneration of the executives in the companies they invest in. In June the UK’s business secretary, Vince Cable, laid out new plans that will give shareholders three-yearly votes on executive […]