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Investors cluster around AI SDG platform

A growing number of influential asset owners have expressed interest in a new sustainable development investment (SDI) Asset Owner Investor Platform launched by Dutch funds APG and PGGM. The AI-driven technology sifts through reams of structured and unstructured data to gauge the extent to which companies’ products and activities meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Most popular stories of 2018

We are also pleased to say that you, our readers, are spending more time on our site, as evidenced by our 10 most read stories, which averaged 4.2 minutes per article. Thank you to all our interview subjects, readers and supporters over the last year. Below is a look at the 10 most popular stories of 2018.

Musing towards a more hopeful AI future

Predictions about artificial intelligence are often dire prophecies of humanity inventing the agent of its own demise or obsolescence. But if we consider that human cognitive powers might actually grow in response to the advancement of AI, the potential outcomes become less threatening.

Big data, ESG ratings help find alpha

Companies that deliver on sustainability are starting to trade at a premium and investors need to shop for value. New research, by George Serafeim, professor of business administration, Harvard Business School, shows big data and ESG ratings can combine to find alpha.