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Investor Profile

PPF looks to hybrids

The Pension Protection Fund was set up nearly a decade ago to protect members of UK defined benefit pension where the sponsor became insolvent.More insurance provider than pension fund it’s risk tolerance is low and its investments conservative. But chief investment officer, Barry Kenneth, says the portfolio is evolving, including a new allocation to hybrids […]

What’s the impact of the stock:bond correlation?

The correlation between stocks and bonds in a rising interest rate environment can turn positive. So given the likelihood of a rate rise, what should asset allocation look like if investors are forward looking?   One of the growing trends in asset and risk allocations is to adopt a forward-looking view driven by macroeconomics, rather […]
Uncategorised posts

Alternatives increase as investors manage to outcomes

Investor allocations to alternatives will increase over the next three years as the focus on outcome-oriented investments heightens, according to respondents in the annual /Casey Quirk Global Fiduciary CIO sentiment survey. The second annual survey, which included respondents from 56 asset owners with combined assets of $3 trillion, showed an accelerating trend to moving […]

Investment beliefs of endowments

Academics from Columbia and Yale Universities examine the expected and actual returns of US university endowment portfolios and the role of alternatives in generating alpha.   To access the paper Investment beliefs of endowments
Investor Profile

Caution, luck and overlays propel Swedish fund

A solvency ratio of 157 per cent is a clear mark of success for a pension fund at a time when so many are battling deficits. Remarkably, Sweden’s SEK90-billion ($14 billion) KPA Pension has gained this funding cushion without fully embracing the range of new asset classes or strategies often touted as the solution to […]
Investor Profile

Danica maneuvers towards infrastructure

Danish pension provider Danica is upping the alternatives portion in its roughly $57-billion portfolio as it looks to boost returns within the country’s strict solvency framework. Alternatives already make up over 4 per cent of the $33-billion Traditional Fund, Danica’s largest and most conventional pension pool, double the proportion the asset class took at the […]