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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

A discussion paper by APG’s Roderick Molenaar, and Tilburg University’s Kim Peijnenburg and Eduard Ponds, looks at whether a low funding ratio of a pension fund can creative incentives for individuals to leave this fund.
Investor Profile

APG’s Asian strategy

As part of an increasing focus on emerging markets, APG Asset Management, has an increasing interest in emerging markets. As part of that strategy an office in Hong Kong employs 28 staff to cover the Asian region. Amanda White spoke to the president of APG Asset Management Asia, Fer Amkreutz, about the perils and profits […]
Investor Profile

Behind ABP’s strategic investment plan

APG, which manages investments for Dutch pension funds including the giant ABP, has finalised its strategic investment plan for 2010-2012. Amanda White spoke to managing director of strategic portfolio management, Ronald Wuijster, about why there is a continued trend to diversification away from developed market equities and how the portfolio construction methodology has altered.