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Illinois looks inward for new portfolio

The $42 billion Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund is using its enhanced internal management capabilities to start a quantitative portfolio applying multifactor strategies. The strategy is designed to build some downside protection into the fund’s equities allocation.

Most popular stories of 2018

We are also pleased to say that you, our readers, are spending more time on our site, as evidenced by our 10 most read stories, which averaged 4.2 minutes per article. Thank you to all our interview subjects, readers and supporters over the last year. Below is a look at the 10 most popular stories of 2018.
Asset Allocation

Washington works to be the best LP

Private equity has been a stand out for the $130 billion Washington State Investment Board and CIO Gary Bruebaker says the real trick is attracting the top general partners. That means making sharp investments, being true to your word and nurturing the relationship.
Investor Profile

Australia’s rethink for the Future Fund

The CIO of Australia’s A$175 billion sovereign wealth fund, Raphael Arndt, sees a time on the not-too-distant horizon when the assumptions that have shaped investment strategy will no longer hold true. He’s working on a more comprehensive process for this challenging new world.
Asset Allocation

UMR will add to private assets, more

France’s Union Mutualiste Retraite is planning slight increases to its allocation to cash, private equity, private debt and infrastructure, in the face of high valuations and the late cycle. The fund has already added to its direct real-estate investments this year and is bracing for incoming regulations.
Investor Profile

UK’s BTPS forges independent identity

Since splitting from its former inhouse manager, Hermes, the £50 billion British Telecom Pension Scheme has set about redefining itself. With a self-reliance borne of technology, the fund has brought portfolios and functions inhouse and started a bigger push into mature infrastructure.