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De-risking is de rigueur, survey finds

Investors are looking to continue to scale-back their exposure to US equities, increase their allocation to fixed-interest assets and strongly focus on the liability side of their balance sheets, a recent survey of funds in the US and Europe found.
Investor Profile

Implementing CalPERS new asset allocation

Setting a new asset allocation is one thing, implementing it is another thing altogether. CalPERS expects to have its new asset allocation implementation policies completed by the beginning of July, so head of asset allocation, Farouki Majeed, discusses the challenge.
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New Jersey chair calls for allocation review

Chair of the investment council of the $70 billion State of New Jersey’s Division of Investment, Robert Grady, has called for a new asset allocation plan, pointing in particular to the fund’s cash position which sits at around 2.75 per cent. The fund has also been overweight its domestic equity allocation by about 6 per […]
Investor Profile

New Mexico boosts opportunistic credit allocation

While active management has been the biggest contributor to the outperformance of the New Mexico Educational Retirement Board in the past year, the fund has a firm focus on the value of asset allocation. With this in mind it recently changed its long-term policy allocation, dramatically increasing the allocation to credit opportunities from 5 per […]
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Architect of Future Fund investment strategy resigns

A chief architect of the A$68 billion ($60 billion) Australian Future Fund‘s investment strategy will leave in two weeks to form a new business offering asset allocation and macroeconomic strategy advice to large fiduciary investors globally. Tony Day, who joined the Future Fund in its early days of 2007, said that at 44 years of […]