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ATP’s approach to ESG

The giant Danish fund, ATP, takes a comprehensive approach to ESG including voting and engagement, as well as a large investment in green bonds. Ole Buhl is vice president and head of ESG at ATP explains.
Asset Allocation

ATP’s new risk lens

The giant Danish fund, ATP, now views the return-seeking part of its investment portfolio through four risk sectors, allowing an easy comparison of investments across asset classes.
Asset Classes

Costs cast increasing doubt over hedge fund relevance

The inability to scale hedge fund exposures and risks, has led many large investors, like CalPERS this week and ATP last year, to exit their hedge fund programs. Complexity continues to be a drain on the relevancy of hedge funds, but importantly cost is driving the agendas of these investors. As AQR’s Cliff Asness admits, […]
Uncategorised posts

Investors ignore liability matching at their peril

Two high profile pension funds, ATP of Denmark and HOOPP of Canada, have been very successful in managing their assets in two distinct portfolios. But the practice of fund separation, a portion of the portfolio for liability hedging and another for alpha generation, is not common in pension management. It should be. For these two […]